//Shift management and technical data processing

Was delivered a system, that ensured daily, high-quality updates to construction diaries and reports, replacing unreliable analog methods with standardized, efficient documentation practices.

//Shift management and technical data processing

Was delivered a system, that ensured daily, high-quality updates to construction diaries and reports, replacing unreliable analog methods with standardized, efficient documentation practices.

Became evident to improve project workflow and ensure timely, high-quality documentation.
In tunneling projects, a specialized solution was required for shift management and technical data processing, applicable to any cyclical work documentation. Construction management needed to update the construction diary and supplementary reports daily and confirm them with the customer promptly. These reports, often handed over to clients for review, are critical for project success and contractual compliance. Traditionally, data collection started with Gantt charts recorded in analogue form, resulting in inconsistent quality and numerous errors, impacting project documentation reliability and uniformity. The need for automated shift management, accurate technical data processing, and efficient construction diary updates became evident to improve project workflow and ensure timely, high-quality documentation.
Became evident to improve project workflow and ensure timely, high-quality documentation.
In tunneling projects, a specialized solution was required for shift management and technical data processing, applicable to any cyclical work documentation. Construction management needed to update the construction diary and supplementary reports daily and confirm them with the customer promptly. These reports, often handed over to clients for review, are critical for project success and contractual compliance. Traditionally, data collection started with Gantt charts recorded in analogue form, resulting in inconsistent quality and numerous errors, impacting project documentation reliability and uniformity. The need for automated shift management, accurate technical data processing, and efficient construction diary updates became evident to improve project workflow and ensure timely, high-quality documentation.

Solution and delivered value

To address the challenge, NATLEX developed a uniform and standardized system for documenting cyclical work processes. The solution ensured high-quality documentation and efficient data processing, enhancing the overall reliability of project records.

Key features of the delivered solution:

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): streamlined user access.
  • Easy project creation: simplified the setup of project structures and diagram templates.
  • Digital recording of construction work
  • Man hour accounting
  • Automated earthwork recording: captured details like excavation classes, lengths, and station locations automatically.
  • Personalized dashboards
  • Multi-device access
  • Flexible data export: export in Excel, CSV, and PDF formats.
  • Centralized archiving: all protocols in a single location for easy access.

Solution and delivered value

To address the challenge, NATLEX developed a uniform and standardized system for documenting cyclical work processes. The solution ensured high-quality documentation and efficient data processing, enhancing the overall reliability of project records.

Key features of the delivered solution:

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): streamlined user access.
  • Easy project creation: simplified the setup of project structures and diagram templates.
  • Digital recording of construction work
  • Man hour accounting
  • Automated earthwork recording: captured details like excavation classes, lengths, and station locations automatically.
  • Personalized dashboards
  • Multi-device access
  • Flexible data export: export in Excel, CSV, and PDF formats.
  • Centralized archiving: all protocols in a single location for easy access.

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